Table 1

Recognised causes of subdural haemorrhage in infants and young children

Cause of SDHComment
Intentional injury
    Shaken baby syndromeThe commonest cause of SDH1
SDH is commonly associated with other injuries and retinal haemorrhages.
However shaken baby syndrome can cause isolated SDH or isolated retinal haemorrhages
Non-intentional injury27
    Major trauma, e.g road traffic accident, serious fallsMinor household falls rarely cause SDH.
SDH has been described in more serious falls and in whiplash injury27
Retinal haemorrhages are only associated with severe accidental injury7
Neurosurgical complicationsSDH commonly reported as a postoperative complication of neurosurgery
    Fetal28SDH infrequently reported on fetal ultrasound scans
    Traumatic labour29SDH can follow traumatic delivery and be associated with retinal haemorrhage
Cranial malformations
    Aneurysms30Spontaneous bleeding from vascular malformations
    Arachnoid cysts31Less serious trauma can result in SDH when arachnoid cyst is present
Both are unlikely to be associated with retinal haemorrhages unless intracranial pressure is raised
Cerebral infections
    Meningitis3233Postinfective subdural effusions are seen.
These can be associated with retinal haemorrhage7
Coagulation and haematological disorders
    Leukaemia34Diagnosis will be excluded on coagulation and haematological investigations. All may be associated with retinal haemorrhages7
    Sickle cell anaemia35
    Disseminated intravascular coagulation
    von Willibrand's disease
    Haemorrhagic disease of the newborn37
    Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura38
Metabolic disorders
    Glutaric aciduria16Associated with widening of subdural space that can result in SDH due to stretching and rupture of subdural vessels
    Galactosaemia39Case reports describe associated retinal haemorrhages in both conditions1640
Biochemical disorder
    Hypernatraemia141SDH described in association with salt poisoning, hypernatraemic dehydration
Hypernatraemia may also be a complication of the intracranial trauma