Table 2

Assessment of severity of dehydration (if in doubt err by overestimating % dehydration) B

No dehydration
(less than 3% weight loss)
Mild-moderate dehydration
(3-8% weight loss)
(ordered by increasing severity)
Severe dehydration
(⩾9% weight loss)
No signsDry mucous membranes (be wary in the mouth breather)Increasingly marked signs from the mild–moderate group plus:
Sunken eyes (and minimal or no tears)Decreased peripheral perfusion (cool/mottled/pale peripheries; capillary refill time >2 sec)
Diminished skin turgor (pinch test 1–2 sec)Circulatory collapse
Altered neurological status (drowsiness, irritability)
Deep (acidotic) breathing
  • Signs are ordered in each column by severity.

  • If a pre-illness accurate weight is available, calculate deficit from weight loss.

  • Pinch test: Pinch skin of abdomen. Skin recoils instantly = normal, 1–2 sec = mild–moderate, >2 sec = severe.