Table 2

Natural history of cystic renal disease

Predominantly cystic Kidney size Predominantly hyperechoic Kidney size Mixed/variable Kidney size
Multicystic dysplastic kidneyVariableCystic dysplasticSmallMulticystic Wilms' tumourLarge
Simple cystNormalARPKD2-150 Large, >90th centileTuberous sclerosisVariable
Localised cystic diseaseNormalLaurence–Moon–BiedlNormal
ADPKD2-160 Large or normalGlomerulocystic diseaseNormal
Multilocular cystLarge
Acquired cystic disease in chronic renal failureSmall
  • 2-150 May change in later childhood to become mainly “cystic”.

  • 2-160 Except in prenatal.