Table 2

Histological findings in patients

Case 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Duration before biopsies4 years and 6 months8 months22 months3 months3 years and 9 months2 years and 2 months5 years and 4 months
CellularityMarked, transmuralMarked, transmuralMarkedMarked with plasma cellsMarked with plasma cellsMarkedMarked
SurfaceFlat or mildly irregular, mild invasionFlat, irregular with degeneration and erosionFlat, midly irregularIrregular, invasion and flatteningIrregular with flattening, erosion and invasionIrregular, inflamedFlat, moderate inflammation
Nuclear debrisYesNoYesFewYesYesFew
CryptsMild to moderate   distortion. Very mild cryptitisModerate to severe   distortion. Mild to severe cryptitisMainly normal   architecture, mild reduction in number. Mild cryptitisMild to moderate   distortion, with reduced number. Mild to moderate cryptitisModerate modified   architecture, mild reduced number. Moderate cryptitisNormal architecture. No cryptitsNormal architecture. No cryptitis
Crypt abscessNoneCrypt abscesses in a/dNoneMild in sigmoidNoneNoneNone
PolymorphsEosinophils +++EosinophilsEosinophils +++Eosinophils +Eosinophils +Eosinophils ++Eosinophils +
HistocytesMild increase in histocytes,   macrophages with pigmentsFew macrophages with pigmentsMacrophages with   eosinophilic materielFew macrophages with pigmentsFoamy, starting to form
  a granuloma with eosinophilic material
Macrophages with pigmentsFew macrophages with pigments
GranulomaNoneVery big, with giants cells in a/t/d/s/rNoneNoneIn d/sNoneNone
VesselsPlump vessels, thick walls. Trafficking eosinosPlump endothelium, eosinos traffickingAbnormal in caecumPlump, eosinos traffickingPlump endotheliumPlump endotheliumPlump endothelium
  • A, ascending; t, transverse; d, descending; s, sigmoid; r, rectum; eosinos, eosinophils.