Table 4

Variables related to satisfaction with disclosure

Level of significance
Structure Manner Information More
satisfied if:
Child variables
Severity of physical disabilityNSNSχ2 9.08, df 2, p = 0.01Less severe
Additional learning disabilityNSNSNS
Birth weight (<2500 g and >2500 g)χ2 8.13, df 1, p < 0.01NSNSGreater
Known cause for cerebral palsyNSNSNS
Gestational age t −2.45, p < 0.02NSNSGreater
(95% CI −5.65, −0.60)
Age at diagnosisNS t 2.02, p < 0.05NSLower
(95% CI 0.04, 4.51)
Age at interviewNSNSNS
Parent variables
Mother employedNSNSNS
Maternal educationNSNSNS
Mother ageNSNSNS
Father ageNS t−3.06, p < 0.01NSHigher
(95% CI −6.53, −1.38)
Postnatal depression score t 2.88, p < 0.01NSNSLower
(95% CI 0.92, 4.98)
Current ways of copingNSNSNS
  • For “ethnic background” and “pursuing litigation” see text.