Table 1-1

RSV antibody: clinically useful measures of effect

Event CER EER RRR ARR (95% CI) NNT (95% CI) Expenditure (£) to prevent one hospital admission (95% CI)
Hospital admission (all)10.6%4.8%55% 5.8% (3 to 9) 17 (11 to 33) 25500 (16500 to 49500)
Premature (no BPD) 8.1%1.8%78% 6.3% (3 to 10) 16 (10 to 39) 24000 (15000 to 58500)
Previous BPD12.8%7.9%39% 5.1% (0.4 to 9.8) 20 (10 to 250) 30000 (15000 to 375000)
  • CER, control event rate; EER, experimental event rate.