Table 4

Preventable factors in children admitted to hospital and previously diagnosed with asthma (n = 250)

No (%) of children
Failure to use the asthma crisis management plan238  (95)
Low level of asthma knowledge128 (51)
Inappropriate preventive treatment77 (31)
Poor compliance with preventive treatment52 (21)
Not using prednisolone before the current admission, in spite of an attack lasting >24 h and use of β2 agonists more often than every 3 h just before coming to hospital44 (18)
Not visiting a physician regularly (at least every three months) in children with FEA and PA41 (16)
Delay of >12 h in starting β2 agonists at home after onset of asthma symptoms37 (15)
Delay of >24 h in seeking medical care after starting β2 agonists at home, despite their use more often than every 3 h just before coming to hospital26 (10)
  • FEA = frequent episodic asthma; PA = persistent asthma.