Table 1

Summary of the criteria of methodological adequacy for studies on routine and selective SEM examinations

Criteria for methodological adequacy Wadsworth5 Jesssen et al6 Donnelly and Powell7 Bax and Whitmore9 O’Callaghan and Colver10 Kennedy11 Leff12 Richman13 Smith et al14 Varley15 Broomfield and Tew16
Clearly defined population+++++++++++
Characteristics of school described+++++
Uptake rate defined++++
Conditions clearly defined+
Screening test defined
Prospective recording of outcome+++++++
Condition reported by:
 New problems+++++
 Action taken+++++++
Referral criteria defined
Recall criteria defined
Follow up after referral
Follow up of whole cohort+
Donnelly and Powell8 Houghton et al17 Ni Bhrolchain4 Elliot et al18 Ni Bhrolchain and Shribman19
  • + = Satisfactory; − = unsatisfactory.