Table 1

Confounders for the determination of the well known risk factors for SIDS

CasesControlsOdds ratio (95% CI)
Mean (SD) age of the infant (months)7  (5)10  (5)0.88  (0.79  to  0.98)
Secondary prone sleeping3-150 29 (41%)31 (21%)21.94 (5.66 to  85.03)
Placed to sleep
 Supine39 (55%)125 (87%)1
 On side15 (21%)11 (8%)20.39 (3.77 to  110.12)
 Prone17 (24%)7 (5%)22.94 (5.38 to  97.77)
Duvet used39 (55%)68 (46%)0.38 (0.13 to  1.10)
Head/body covered19 (28%)2 (2%)7.33 (0.31 to  174.72)
Duvet used and head/body covered17 (25%)1 (1%)25.79 (2.59 to  256.58)
Use of sleeping sack13 (19%)57 (40%)0.51 (0.15 to  1.74)
Placed to sleep with a dummy (pacifier)9 (12%)70 (48%)0.06 (0.01 to  0.25)
  • 3-150 On last occasion not placed prone, but found prone.