Table 2

Parents’ and teachers’ questionnaire items in which a significantly higher percentage of the hypothyroid children in group I or group II had scores of 1 or 2, compared with matched controls. The percentagesof children with scores of 13 or more on the parents’ questionnaire and 9 or more on the teachers’ questionnaire are also given

Group I: pretreatment T4
⩽ 40 nmol/l (%)
Group II: pretreatment T4
> 40 nmol/l (%)
Patients (n=31)Controls (n=31)Patients
Parents’ questionnaire
Specific behaviours
 Difficulty sleeping422-150 132821
 Cannot settle352-150 61818
 Restless2916432-150 14
Overall scores of 13 or more2362918
Teachers’ questionnaire
Specific behaviours
 Very restless322-150 62114
 Fussy, overparticular292-150 62114
 Squirmy, fidgets322-150 101814
 Unresponsive392-150 16187
 Rather solitary392-150 133514
 Often appears miserable3216322-150 4
 Fearful552-150 324328
Overall scores of 9 or more232-150 31811
  • 2-150 p < 0.05 v respective controls.