Table 4

Results of lung function tests in index and control children; results are % predicted for height and sex (SE)

IndexControlsp Value95% confidence intervals of differences
PEFR93.2 (1.6)102.0 (1.7)0.00034.1 to 13.4
FVC88.9 (1.5)92.0 (1.7)0.17−1.4 to 7.5
FEV0.75 88.6 (1.5)94.0 (1.6)0.010.99 to 9.8
FEV1.0 91.0 (1.5)96.1 (1.7)0.030.53 to 9.56
MEF75 90.1 (2.0)97.6 (2.2)0.0141.55 to 13.45
MEF50 85.5 (2.5)100.4 (3.3)0.00046.75 to 23.1
MEF25 85.5 (3.1)95.2 (4.0)0.0480.078 to 20.04
FRC99.2 (3.5)102.9 (3.7)0.47−6.5 to 13.8
TLC88.0 (1.8)91.6 (1.7)0.15−1.37 to 8.69
RV120.2 (5.6)122.2 (6.5)0.82−15.0 to 18.9
Raw (cmH2O/l/s)2.87 (0.12)2.35 (0.12)0.002−0.85 to −0.21
SGaw (cmH2O/l/s)0.31 (0.02)0.34 (0.02)0.13−0.01 to 0.081
PC20(g/l)5.41 (0.40)6.1 (0.44)0.25−0.49 to 1.86
  • FVC = forced vital capacity; FEV0.75 and1.0 = forced expiratory volume in 0.75 seconds and one second respectively; MEF0.75, 0.5 and 0.25 = maximum expiratory flow at 75, 50, 25% of vital capacity respectively; SGaw = specific conductance; PC20 = concentration of histamine producing a 20% fall in PEFR.