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Clinical and laboratory profile of dengue, leptospirosis and malaria in children: a study from Mumbai
  1. Ira Shah,
  2. Bhushan Katira
  1. Department of Pediatrics, B.J. Wadia Hospital for Children, Mumbai, India
  1. Correspondence to:
    Dr Ira Shah
    240 D. Walkeshwar Road, Malabar Hill, Mumbai 400006, India;irashah{at}

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In Mumbai, India there is an increase in dengue, malaria and leptospirosis during the monsoon season.1 Children present with fever, vomiting and hypotension, which makes it difficult to identify the aetiology. Thus, we undertook a study over a period of 1 month from 15 July 2005 to 14 August 2005 to determine the clinical and laboratory features of these illnesses. Thirty two patients with fever, vomiting, diarrhoea, bleeding manifestations, hypotension, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, jaundice and/or oliguria were registered as probable cases of dengue, leptospirosis or malaria. Diagnosis of dengue was based on …

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