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Infantile colic: maternal smoking as potential risk factor
  1. Sijmen A Reijneveld,
  2. Emily Brugman,
  3. Remy A Hirasing
  1. Netherlands Organisation of Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Institute of Prevention and Health, PO Box 2215, 2301 CE Leiden, Netherlands
  1. Dr Reijneveld email: SA.Reijneveld{at}


The association of maternal smoking and type of feeding with colic was assessed in 3345 children aged 1–6 months (96% response). The prevalence of colic was twofold higher among infants of smoking mothers, but less among breastfed infants. Maternal smoking as a potential risk factor for infantile crying needs further study.

  • colic
  • preventive child health care
  • prevention
  • smoking
  • infancy

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