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Growth and development in premature twins.
  1. R Morley,
  2. T J Cole,
  3. R Powell,
  4. A Lucas
  1. MRC Dunn Nutrition Unit, Cambridge.


    A total of 476 infants (386 singletons and 90 twins) born before 32 weeks' gestation were studied to compare long term growth and development in twins and singletons. At 18 months, after adjusting for confounding social, obstetric, and neonatal factors, twins were not disadvantaged in their neurodevelopmental status, but were 1.6 cm shorter than singletons and had thicker triceps and subscapular skinfolds. No significant differences were found between first and second born twins in later growth or development at 18 months post-term. While preterm twins may have an inherent disadvantage in linear growth it is suggested that in other respects twinning is not a risk factor in preterm infants.

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