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Background and aims The aim of the study was to determine the level of ceruloplasmin, oxyproline and cryoglobulinemia of children with atopic dermatitis.
Methods Besides the well-known studies in comprehensive analysis of atopic dermatitis regularities it was defined level of blood ceruloplasmin by Ravin; intensity of metabolism in the connective tissue was evaluated by content oxyproline.
Results Under supervision there were 35 children with atopic dermatitis. In the age aspect younger age group 3 years presented 10 children, and 5 patients were pre-schoolers and children up to 10 years, in puberty to 13 years it was recorded 9 patients and adolescents 14 to 17 years in the observation group got 10. At the time of admission status of children was assessed as medium to severe in 27 cases and as serious in 8 patients. As a result of children immunoglobulin content with acute exacerbation of AD study it was found that most of the children was observed dysimunohlobulinemia. The examination stated that the average ceruloplasmin, oxyproline several times higher than normal. Higher values were recorded directly they correlate with the activity and severity of atopic dermatitis.
Conclusion It was also revealed typical atopic dermatitis secondary decrease of cellular immunity. Obviously, reducing the activity of cellular immunity is secondary and depends on the period of the disease and its duration, and levels of ceruloplasmin and oxyproline criteria are allergic inflammatory process.