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PO-1006 Recipients With In Utero Induction Of Tolerance Up-regulated Mhc Class I In The Engrafted Donor Skin
  1. JC Chen1,
  2. ML Kuo2
  1. 1Department of of Pediatric Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  2. 2Department of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan


Background and aims The alterations in MHC class I expression play a crucial step in immune evasion of cancer or virus-infected cells. This study aimed to examine whether tolerized grafts modified MHC class I expression.

Methods FVB/N mice were rendered tolerant of C57BL/6 alloantigens by in utero transplantation of C57BL/6 marrows. Postnatally, engrafted donor skins and leukocytes were examined for their MHC expression by quantitative real-time PCR and flow cytometry.

Results In this murine tolerance model established by in utero marrow transplantation, engrafted donor skins up-regulated their MHC class I related gene transcripts after short-term (1~2 weeks) or long-term (>1 month) engraftment. This biological phenomenon was simultaneously associated with up-regulation of TAP1 gene transcripts, suggesting an important role of TAP1 in the regulation of MHC class I pathway. Notably, the surface MHC class I molecules of H-2Kq in engrafted donor leukocytes consistently showed over-expression.

Conclusions Induction of allograft tolerance involved biological modifications of donor transplants. The increased expression of MHC class I within engrafted donor skins of tolerant mice might be used as the tolerance biomarkers for identifying a state of graft tolerance, and paved the way to advancing our insights into the mechanisms of allo-tolerance induction.

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