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PO-0952 Neonatal Resuscitation Option In Islam
  1. B Kurdi
  1. NICU, Hamad General Hospital, Doha, Qatar


Background A Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order would be similar to many of the decisions a physician faces daily if it did not call for ethical and legal considerations. To comply with the intent of the order, a physician must be certain that further resuscitation is futile and is a waste of resources.

Method We offer both ways of DNR for parent of 25 cases in the last 12 months (10 cases were extrem preterm 23 weeks with bilateral IVH grad 4, and 4 cases were trisomy 18 with congenital anomalise, and 7 cases with sever form of multiple conginetal, 4 cases of inoperable complex congenital heart disease).

Results After we explain to the parents about the prognosis of those cases, 12 of them agreed to not be aggressive in the resuscition if the condition of the patient deteriorated, and 2 of them agreed to withdraw the therapy.

Conclusion The majority of scholars said that the treatment of patients is desirable (not a must) where there is a hope of recovery, and DNR order is Permitted (mobah) in cases of a high degree of certainty that resuscitation is futile to the Patient, but does not mean to stop the fundamental support like antibiotic, feeding, and IV fluid. The treatment is mandatory (sever pain-treatment is successful-infectious diseases that will spread to others) While the intentional interference of the doctor by giving the patient medication to hasten the death in some cases which is called Euthanasia It is absolutely forbidden in Islam.

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