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PO-0882 Determining The Burden Load And The Life Quality Of The Mother And Fathers Of The Children With Cancer Diagnosis And Hematologic Diseases
  1. S Yavuz1,
  2. D Yildiz2
  1. 1Department of Pediatric, Turkish Armed Forces Diyarbakir Military Hospital, Diyarbakir, Turkey
  2. 2Department of Pediatric, Gulhane Military Medical Academy School of Nursing, Ankara, Turkey


This research was planned as descriptive study for thepurpose of determining the burden load and the life quality of the mother andfathers of the children with cancer diagnosis and hematologic diseases.

Methods The research was carried out in the PediatricsHematology and Oncology Polyclinic and Clinics of Gulhane Military Medical Academy,between December 2011–April 2012. The research sample was composed of 101parents of children with cancer diagnosis and hematologic diseases.

The questionnaire form that was prepared by theresearcher, “Caregiving Burden Scale” and “Rolls Royce Life Quality Scale” wereapplied to participants.

Results It was determined that the score of careburden of the parents who are in 46–55 age group, who have three and morechildren was higher and a statically significant difference was found among them (p < 0.05). The scores of the care burden of the parents whose children have hadbone morrow transplantation, who say that the disease affects the familybudget, they do not have sufficient information about the treatment of theirchildren was determined high and a statistically significant difference wasfound among them (p < 0.05). The scores of the care burden of the parents whoare younger age group was determined high and a statistically significantdifference was found among them (p < 0.05).

According the scores between life quality scale of themother and fathers, it has been found that the life quality of the mothers isaffected by the disease of their children more.

It is suggested that the parents shall take part inthe training courses that are given by the nurse about the disease, the nurseis suggested to evaluate the care burden and life quality of parents who havechildren with a chronic disease.

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