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PO-0875 Being An Adolescent Mother: A Qualitative Research
  1. T Ayyildiz Kuzlu,
  2. M Uzun,
  3. H Kulakçi,
  4. F Veren
  1. Nursing, Bulent Ecevit University, Zonguldak, Turkey


Background and aims The aim of this study was to determine the thoughts of adolescent pregnants/mothers about motherhood.

Methods A descriptive qualitative approach was used in the study. The data were obtained from 41 adolescent pregnants/mothers with a questionnaire and open-ended semi-structured interviews in-depth audio-taped method. Data were analysed through thematic analysis by researchers.

Results Over the total amont of sample; 80.5% of adolescents didn’t use a family planning method, 24.4% are relatives with her husband, 68.3% were being pregnant willingly and 24.4% didn’t receive antenatal care regulary. The theme of study determined on four topics;

1) The feelings when she learn her pregnanacy

2) The meaning of baby/child in her life

3) The effect of pregnancy for her future plans

4) The troubles about care of baby/child

They mentioned hearing about their pregnancy, the first feelings were fear, sadness, wonder, happiness, shocked, rebelled and thought it wasn’t the right time.

“I really surprised and feared because being a mother seemed difficult for me. Because of economical obstacle I thought that could we support the babies’care expenditure.”

“I got married when I was 18. Everyone began to ask whether I am pregnant in first month period of my marriage. After three month I got pregnant. I felt that I had to be pregnant”

“I felt sadnesss, really a big sadness, cry too much, because my husband had left the house just before the news of pregnancy.”

Conclusion Although pregnancy is gratifying process for a woman, it can also become discomfortable situation for adolescents.

  • Adolescent
  • motherhood
  • qualitative research

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