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PO-0855 Developmental Consultancy At Zemun’s Health Centre: Risk Factors In Neonates (1991–2010) With Emphasis On Asphyxia, Intracranial Haemorrhage And Hypoxic-ischaemic Encephalopathy
  1. D Radivojevic1,
  2. T Medic2,
  3. V Medic3
  1. 1Department of Paediatrics, Zemun’s Health Center, Belgrade, Serbia
  2. 2Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
  3. 3Department of Kinesiology Prosthetics and Orthotics, High Sanitary Medical School of Applied Sciences "VISAN", Belgrade, Serbia


Background and aims To present at-risk factors in neonates („at-risk“ babies) to the total number of children born in Zemun (the large municipality in Belgrade) between 1991 and 2010; to sort risk factors with emphasis on asphyxia, intracranial haemorrhage (ICH) and hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE), as the most serious factors that could be responsible for brain damage and a number of disorders.

Abstract PO-0855 Figure 1

The number of “at-risk” babies and risk factors to the number of babies

Abstract PO-0855 Figure 2

The number of risk factors to the number of “at-risk” babies

Method The study population of neonates observed and registered in the Zemun`s Health Centre“.

Results During the twenty-year period (1991–2010) 20.716 babies were born (minimum 772 in 1993, maximum 1241 in 2009), among them 3.506 (16,94%) were „at-risk“ babies. In the period 1997–1998 it was evident increase in „at-risk“ babies, when the maximum was 34,73% in 1998, compared to the minimum of 12,00% in 2003 (Figure 1). A new increasing trend of “at-risk” babies in the period 2003–2010 was noticed. Absolute and the relative change of the most serious risk factors are shown in Figure1 and Figure 2, respectively. Very often asphyxia was dominant over all risk factors (1995–1996, 2001–2006). ICH increased till 2002, both absolutely and relatively, after he decreased. HIE has an increasing trend over the whole period. Concerning the period 1991–2010, 141 „at-risk“ babies stay with handicap (4,02% in risk population, 0,68% in total population).

Conclusion Within the period 1991–2010, a new trend of increasing „at-risk“ babies and HIE (2003–2010) requires attention, while in the same period asphyxia and ICH had a declining trend. In our Developmental consultancy all of “at-risk” children are constantly observed and treated in their best interest.

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