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Theaim of this study is to evaluate the lung function by using the oscillometric method in TTN at the pre-school age.
Meterials and methods Childrenwho were born over a gestational age of 35 weeks and followed at our clinicwith the diagnosis of TTN in the 2005–2008 period defined as the study groupand children have no respiratory diseases are defined as the control group. Thedemographic features of the patient group, neonatal characteristics and followup data, maternal features were recorded. After physical examination andquestioning of respiratory symptoms, pulmonary function tests of patients whowere admitted to study performed with the by Impulse Oscillometry device.
Results Total 62 patient were included thestudy, 31 of them were in the patient group and 31 were in the control group. There weren’t any statistically significantdifference among the two groups for the mean X values (X5, X10, X15, X20), meanR values (R5, R10, R15, R20) and mean impedance (Z5) value at he IOS study.
Conclusion In our study, respiratory functions of preschool agechildren who had TTN diagnosis duringthe newborn period found similar with the respiratory functions of healtychildren. In our knowledge, this is the first study evaluating the long termeffects of TTN to the pulmonary functions by examining respiratory functionswith impulse oscillometry.