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PO-0725 Psychoneurological Development Of Extremely Premature Babies
  1. K Zhumakanova,
  2. BA Abeouva,
  3. GA Kenzhebayeva,
  4. AB Kuzgibekova
  1. Pediatrician and Child Surgery, Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan


Objective Outcomes of psychoneurological and sensory impairments in extremely premature babies aged less than one year.

Materials The analysis of 125 cards of in-patient and out-patient observation of extremely premature babies under specifically designed questionnaires with use of the main indexes of psychological development of premature babies aged less than one year for years 2010, 2011, 2012.

Results and discussion According to our data, only in 16,0% (2010), 18,8% (2011) and 23,4% (2012) of extremely premature babies by one year psychological development corresponded to their age, whereas the delay of psychological development rates was noted in 76,5% (2012), 81,1% (2011) and 84,0% (2010) of extremely premature babies. Cerebral palsy developed in 3,7% (2011), 4,2% (2012) and 12,0% (2010). Blindness was observed in 2,1% (2012), 3,7% (2011), 8,0% (2010) of extremely premature babies. Deafness developed in 2,1% (2012), 3,7% (2011) and 8,0% (2010) of extremely premature babies. Epileptiform spasms were observed in 6,3% (2012), 7,5% (2011), 12,0% (2010) of prematurely born babies. Decompensated hydrocephalus developed in 4,2% (2012), 7,5% (2011), 16,0% (2010) of extremely premature babies.

Conclusion Thus, the researches conducted by us show that prematurity is one of risk factors of emergence of neurologic and mental disorders and their prophylaxis, in the first place, is prevention of habitual miscarriage.

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