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Background Indirect hyperbilirubinemia at newborn is a distinct and various epidemiological described entity, having multiple causes and mechanisms, in which bilirubin level rises to 15–20 mg%.
Aim of the study The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence of jaundice with indirect bilirubin at newborns admitted at the Newborn Department of the Childrens Clinic Hospital from Brasov, Romania. As secondary objectives we considered the associated pathology along with the usefulness of phototherapy.
Patients and methods We undergone a retrospective study on 1020 patients admitted at our hospital during one year period 1st January 2012–31st December 2012. We have evaluated demographic data, clinical and laboratory data along with the prescribed therapy.
Results From the 1020 studied cases in 260 there was a diagnosis of indirect hyperbilirubinemia, associated pathology consisted of urinary tract infection in 15 cases, piodermatitis in 12, otitis media in 7, acute diarrhoea in 14 cases and severe dehydration in 9 cases.
Only one case complicated with kernicterus. From the 260 cases only 60 had phototherapy in the treatment schedule.
Conclusion we have shown that one quarter of the jaundice at newborn is due to indirect hyperbilirubinemia and that phototherapy is still a useful treatment.