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Background Hypothermia of new born babies occurs throughout the world and in all climates. Low birth weight and sick neonates are most vulnerable. The Epicure study showed that premature neonates who were 26 weeks gestation orless with a temperature lower than 35°C on admission to neonatal unit were independently associated with mortality. Heat loss resulting in hypothermia is a significant problem during neonatal resuscitation.
Objectives Re-auditing of the practice and establish incidence of hypothermia following implementation of ‘WARM’ concept (Incidence of hypothermia 21% Jan–June 2012) in neonatal admissions to the neonatal unit at L&D Hospital.
Methodology Prospective re-audit of all neonatal admissions recorded on apre-designed pro-forma in which temperature at source of referral and at admission along with interventions in place to prevent hypothermia are recorded. Any admission temp <36.5°C will be defined as hypothermia (based on WHO definition and local guideline).
Concept of WARM based on WHO recommendations and rising awareness of parents and professionals about prevention of hypothermia.
Mandatory documentation of temperature and measures already put in place (eg. Hats, clothes etc) from source of admission and again at NICU which acted as a prompt for the professionals.
All professionals involved in new-born care were regularly given teaching session son importance of prevention of hypothermia (Exclusion of cooling babies).
Trainees were educated about importance of monitoring temperature at resuscitation scenario and emphasising importance in simulation scenarios.
Result Ourre-audit has shown a significant reduction in incidence from 21 to 15.5%.