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Backround Prolonged pregnancy is defined as any pregnancy exceeding 294 days or more. It is now well known that prolonged pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity, both maternal and fetal, particularly in intrauterine growth restricted fetuses.
Material and methods We analysed in a retrospective study all births complicated by intrauterine growth restriction of all births in the period 2010–2012. Criteria for inclusion in the study were represented by the diagnosis of intrauterine growth restriction and prolonged pregnancy.
Results Rates of transient tachypnea, hypoxia, neonatal apnea, sepsis, thrombocytopenia and hypoglycemia were higher in the postdated growth restricted newborns. An increased frequency of children who needed intensive care after birth, a longer period of hospitalisation and a higher frequency of oligohydramnios were observed in patients who associated both pathologies.
Conclusions Chronologically prolonged pregnancies associated with intrauterine growth restriction represent a pathology that requires close monitoring in order to anticipate possible materno-fetal complications.