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Introduction Increasing needs of human donor milk in the Neonatal Units have arised the interest to develop attention points for donors in hospital where the Milk Bank is not present.
Objectives To analyse the activity of the external points for donors attention of the Hospital " Virgen de las Nieves" Milk Bank. Assessment of quality of the process of theses points.
Methods Staff members from theses centres were trained, visiting the Milk Bank and with written protocol. A transfer system was stablished with refrigerators and temperature records along the process. The hospital milk bank is responsable for ensuring the traceability of the process. Several variables were analysed and compared: acidity, microbiological culture and volume of pasteurised milk rejected during 2013.
Results Two points of attention for milk donors have been operating regularly since 2012. Total number of donors was 43 and 158 litres of donor milk were collected. Analysing the percentage of rejected milk according to its origin:4% the volume received in the bank was not processed, 12% point 2 and 8%point 1 were discarded. This difference lead us to the revision of the storage system, transportation and adequate information for hygiene during milk collection.
Results in Table 1 and 2.
Comments Procedures for donors attention, registration, storage, transportation and milk collection from attention points to the Milk Bank should preserve the security and quality.
The comparison of average acidity according to the origin of milk, coul be an adequate advisor in order to promote better strategies to minimise the percentage of rejected milk.