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PO-0597 A Nationwide Survey Of Neonatal Cow’s Milk Allergy In The Uk
  1. J Mahadevan,
  2. A Gupta,
  3. C Harikumar,
  4. S Gupta,
  5. S Janakiraman
  1. Neonates, University Hospital of North Tees, Stockton – On- Tees, UK


Background and aims Cow’s Milk Allergy (CMA) is one of the most common food allergies in children. It can affect any age including the neonate. There is paucity of literature about its presentation in the newborn period and its management.

The primary objective of this survey was to understand the level of awareness about CMA in Newborns in neonatal units in the UK. Our secondary objective was to estimate the incidence of Cow’s Milk Allergy in newborns in the UK.

Methods This was an online survey of neonatologists identified through the BAPM and the Neonatal Networks.

Results 64 responses were received from consultant neonatologists. 42 out of 63 (66.7%) level 3 units responded.

78% of the respondents believed that CMA exists in newborn. The number of newborns with CMA diagnosed in the last 2 years was more than 152. 50% of these babies were born preterm and at the time of diagnosis, 33% were still < 37 weeks. 26% babies with CMA had birth weight <1.5 kg.

The most common symptoms of CMA were blood in stool, abdominal distension and diarrhoea. 84% were diagnosed on clinical features only. Equal proportions of babies were on breast milk and preterm formula at the time of diagnosis.

Conclusions This survey demonstrates a high level of awareness in an otherwise poorly studied area in newborns. It highlights the need for systematic studies to facilitate decision making among clinicians.

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