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PO-0562 Prevalence Of Gram Negative Organisms On Routine Surveillance In A Tertiary Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  1. MJ Cawsey1,
  2. SV Rasiah1,
  3. J Gray2
  1. 1Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Birmingham Women’s NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
  2. 2Microbiology, Birmingham Women’s NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK


Background and aim We perform weekly surveillance for gram negative organisms by rectal swabs and surface swabs for all babies admitted to the neonatal unit. The aim of the audit was to look at the prevalence of colonisation with gram negative bacteria (GNB) and the outcome of these babies.

Methods This was a retrospective review of all positive rectal and surface swabs from 01/04/13 to 31/03/14.

Results In the last year we had 1465 admissions. The results of the screening programme are shown in the table below. These included GNB on surface or rectal swabs.

Abstract PO-0562 Table 1

Conclusion Preterm babies are at an increased risk of being colonised with GNB at a later date whilst on the neonatal unit. In comparison, term babies were likely to have incidental GNB isolates earlier on. Having a surgical procedure increased the chances of being colonised with GNB. The use of Meropenem was increased in the preterm population. We routinely isolated these babies with GNB until discharge from the neonatal unit.

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