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PO-0497 Retrospective Audit Of Prevalence, Management And Associated Morbidities Of Pda In Preterm Babies Less Than 30+0 Weeks Gestation In A Tertiary Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  1. R Kumar,
  2. K Yajamanyam,
  3. A Singh
  1. Neonatology, Birmingham Womens Hospital, Birmingham, UK


Background Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) causes significant morbidity and a dilemma of whether, when or how to manage in extremely preterm babies.

Aim Retrospective observational cohort study of the prevelance, managment and associated morbidities of PDA in preterm babies less than 30+0 weeks gestation.

Methods The Badger database was interrogated for babies born less than 30+0 weeks gestation between 01/04/09 and 31/03/12. The prevalence, management and associated morbidities of babies with PDA were compared to those without a PDA.

Results 300 babies less than 30+0 gestation were admitted to the tertiary neonatal unit. PDA was confirmed on echocardiography in 192 (64%) babies. 85 babies had medical and/or surgical treatment.

Conclusion Our retrospective cohort study demonstrates that despite the reduction in mortality and severe IVH in babies treated with indomethacin or had surgical ligation, their respiratory morbidities remain significant. Early targeted management of PDA may reduce these morbidities.

Abstract PO-0497 Table 1

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