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PO-0477 Targeted Cerebral Perfusion As Basic Strategy For Neonatal Intensive Care
  1. D Surkov
  1. NICU, Regional Children’s Hospital, Dnipropetrovs’k, Ukraine


Background and aims Target goals of haemodynamic support in critically ill newborns still remain unclear. Routine methods have some imperfection. NIRS attracts attention for neonatal intensive care. NIRS can reflect low oxygen delivery to the brain tissue but can’t distinguish between hypoxia and ischemia. Doppler evaluation of cerebral blood flow in anterior cerebral artery in addition to NIRS could pick out proper ischemia and clarify using of haemodynamic support and/or oxygen supply.

Methods To evaluate relations between NIRS, Doppler cerebral blood flow and haemodynamic parameters we have obtained parallel recording of trends in six term babies with severe HIE.

Results The records of trends for one of babies are exemplified. Respiratory support values were stable and SpO2 was 99–100% using room air during all the period of observation.


  1. A combination of NIRS monitoring and Doppler evaluation of cerebral blood flow is highly sensitive and could be used as a targeted parameter for neonatal intensive care.

  2. Considering rSO2 more depends on circulatory sufficiency then FiO2 it is expedient to use such a definition as ‘oxygenous price of saturation’. In that case using of Doppler estimation of cerebral blood flow pattern allows differing mixed hypoxia and cerebral ischemia aiming to choose proper ways of intensive care.

Abstract PO-0477 Figure 1

Trends of rSO2 and systolic velocity of blood flow in anterior cerebral artery

Abstract PO-0477 Figure 2

Trends of rSO2 and diastolic velocity of blood flow in anterior cerebral artery

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