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PO-0364 Histological Aspects Of The Feto-placental Interface In The Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
  1. R Ilie1,
  2. C Ilie2,
  3. F Capitan2,
  4. A Nyiredi2,
  5. I Enatescu2
  1. 1Pathology, Emergency Children’s Hospital Louis Turcanu, Timisoara, Romania
  2. 2Neonatology, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, Romania


Background and aims We studied the feto-placental interface, in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH), to present his specific structural modifications.

Method We have studied the microscopical modifications of 68 placentas obtained after delivery for two equal groups representing mothers with PIH and normotensive. The samples obtained by sections were specifically prepared for the study using three types of histological stains. We used optical microscopy for observing mainly the lumen of spiral arteriole and changes in its intimate and medial tunica.

Results We registered the following specific structural modifications in the pregnancies with PIH : fibrosis in the middle of the villosity, fibrinoid necrosis, condensation of stromal connective tissue, syncytial layer agglutinations of the villous or intervillous spaces (nodes, buds, or bridges), thrombosis and/or infarction of the spiral vessels and villous capillary endothelial atheromatosis.

Conclusions Our study was done to find a better understanding of the histo-logical changes of the preeclamptic feto-maternal interface concerning his role in PIH. The morphological modifications of the feto-placental interface in the PIH represent a marker of the fetal and postnatal hypoxia/ischemia with an immediate and late impact upon their cerebral development.

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