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Objetives The control of tuberculosis (TB) transmission and prevention of outbreaks requires appropriate studies for the contacts. We’re going to present an outbreak of tuberculosis in a daycare centre.
Methods A case of pulmonary TB were reported in a 3 years old boy from a daycare, admitted with pneumonia without response to conventional antibiotic therapy, tuberculin test (PPD):5 mm, positive quantiferon. Study of family contacts was negative.
After that pulmonary TB was confirmed in a caregiver from the daycare, she was considered baciliferus and also the index case.
Results Contact study was performed in 90 persons exposed. 85%(77/90) contacts from the daycare (67 children under 3 years and 10 adults).15 people had positive tuberculin, 8 contacts from the daycare (7 children and 1 caregiver). 5 patients of the group mentioned before were considered latent tuberculosis infection, receiving secondary chemoprophylaxis and 3 were diagnosed with tuberculosis disease, being treated with satisfactory outcome in all cases.
The index case had over a month off work so that children with negative tuberculin was repeated at 5 weeks being negative in all cases.
Conclusions TB in children can be confused with other typical lung infections, however, must be ruled out if it has a subacute respiratory symptoms and poor response to conventional treatment. It’s really important the rapid detection of contacts incase of adults with TB disease, especially if those work with susceptible people like children. The PPD is still an easy and simple tool for unvaccinated contacts diagnostic.