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PO-0208 Sisonal And Daily Patterns Of Croup Between 1995 And 2008 In Vinnytsya, Ukraine
  1. L Stanislavchuk
  1. Pediatric Infection Disease, Vinnytsya National Medical University n.a. M. Pyrogov, Vinnytsya, Ukraine


Introduction Seasonal variation in croup has been well documented by at least 12 reports, bat there are some regional differences. Evidence is lacking, however, for daily variation in croup.

Aims To determine seasonal and daily variation in croup.

Methods We reviewed all emergency department calls for croup in Vinnytsya region (Ukraine) over fourteen years (1995–2008).

Results The number of emergency department calls per month (Figure 1) was significantly higher in spring and autumn months and lower in summer for croup. Mean monthly calls for croup ranged from 46% below average in August to 49% above average in October. The number of emergency calls for crop per hour was significantly higher from 1 to 4 AM (Figure 2). During this time there were 31% of daily calls. The lowest rate of calls was during the daytime, which rapidly increased from 11 PM.

Abstract PO-0208 Figure 1

Monthly percentage variation in emergency department call for croup in Vinnytsya, Ukraine, 1995–2008; (0 represents the sum monthly variations)

Abstract PO-0208 Figure 2

Hourly percentage variation in emergency department calls for croup in Vinnytsya, Ukraine in 1995–2008 (0 represents the sum hourly variations)

Conclusion We confirmed seasonal variation for croup and revealed specific daily pattern for croup based on fourteen years observation in Vinnytsya region of Ukraine.

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