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PO-0107 Impact Of Gluten Free Diet On Clinical Profiles And Anthropometry In Different Age Groups Of Children With Celiac Disease
  1. G Dhooria1,
  2. N Goyal2,
  3. PC Sobti1,
  4. BK Jain1
  1. 1Pediatrics, Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, India
  2. 2Pediatrics, Deep Hospital, Ludhiana, India


Objective To evaluate impact of gluten free diet in children with celiac disease in different age groups on clinical profile and anthropometric measurements.

Design A prospective interventional study.

Methods Twenty five of the 32 children diagnosed as having celiac disease on the basis of positive anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA (tTG) and duodenal biopsy were included. Patients underwent a clinical examination and anthropometry measurements at diagnosis, 3 months and 6 months of strict gluten free diet.

Results There was a dramatic clinical improvement in symptomology in all cases on institution of gluten free diet at 6 months of follow up. Loose motions, abdominal pain, irritability disappeared in all patients except two children had anaemia (8%) and one child had abdominal distension (4%). Significant weight and height gain was noted in children after initiation of gluten free diet. The mean weight and height increased significantly after 3 and 6 months of gluten free diet (p < 0.0001). Also at 6 months of gluten free diet 86% of the children <5 years and 50% of the children between 5–10 years of age gained weight upto >80% of expected weight whereas none of the children >10 years of age reached that level. Similarly, all the children <5 years achieved normal height while only 33% of the other children attained normal height after 6 months of gluten free diet.

Conclusion Early diagnosis and institution of strict gluten free diet is required to gain maximum growth potential in children with celiac disease.

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