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PO-0017 Etiological Diagnostics Of The Boy´s Functional Retention Of Sexual Development
  1. VA Popova,
  2. AA Kozhin,
  3. MA Daurbekova,
  4. AA Afonin
  1. Pediatric Department, Rostov Scientific-Research Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia


Early diagnostics of pathology of ecological genesis is poorly developed. In this connection the goal of this scientific work was determination of elements composition of urine by spectral method and study of concentrations proportion of chemical elements (ChE) in the boys with functional retention of sexual development (FRSD) in comparison with morphobiochemical indices of the reproductive system. It was shown that in boys of 12–13 with FRSD on the background of alimentary obesity (1 group) the level of leptin in blood was two times as much than a control level and the indeces of gonadotropins, and testosterone were 30% less than in children of a comparison group. At the same time ChE concentrations and their proportions didn´t reliably differ from the control indices.

In the boys of the 2- nd group (with deficiency of body mass) leptin indices were insignificantly less than in control indices, but the level of sexual hormones was lower than a norm more than in 3 times. The indice of selenium was 2, 5 times lower than in the boys of the 1-st group and the comparison contingent, but the proportion index of zinc/lead concentrations did not differ from the control index. The level of lead in urine of all teenagers under examination was approximately equal.

Thus our data show that aetiology of FRSD in the children was different (hormonal and microelements character) and this fact causes different type of the therapy.

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