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PO-0010 The Physicians Approach To Community-acquired Pneumonia In Childhood
  1. A Yazar1,
  2. H Aydogan1,
  3. S Guven1,
  4. H Saner1,
  5. I Islek1,
  6. E Pala2
  1. 1Pediatrics, Umraniye Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
  2. 2Family Medicine, Umraniye Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey


Background and aims Diagnosis and treatment guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) are prepared to avoid differences for the diagnosis and management of CAP between physicians. We investigated the approaches of physicians to diagnosis, laboratory findings, treatment and the compatibility with guidelines for CAP.

Method A total of 322 doctors were interviewed face to face and a 12 item-questionary incluiding diagnosis, investigation, treatment criteria and drug choices was filled by the physician.

Results Contrarily to the guidelines 6.9% of physicians preferred auscultation and chest radiographygraphy (CXR) and did not use the symptoms for diagnosis. Only 11.8% preferred symptoms and diagnostic investigations. 58.8% did not use CXR, CBC and CRP, 24.5% did not use CXR, CBC, CRP and ERS and 4.9% of them did not prefer any investigations. Also routine CXR to confirm CAP in outpatient setting children is not recommended by guidelines physicians preferred CXR at high percentage. Physicians did not preferred Amoksisilin for mild CAP between 3 months - 2 years old children, 55% preferred parenteral treatment with ampisilin/sulbactam. Parenteral Seftriakson was preferred for hospitalised patients (>5 years) with severe pneumonia. 49.7% of physicians preferred ten day duration of therapy, 17.1% stopped treatment after disappearance of symptoms and auscultation findings, 13.7% completed the treatment after improvement of CXR.

Conclusion Physicians applied different approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of CAP in infants and children. According to our findings, we suggested that physicians should be educated about approaches for treatment of CAP according to guidelines.

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