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PS-274 Lack Of Association Between Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia And Gastro-esophageal Reflux At Esophageal Ph-impedentiometry: A Prospective Study In Symptomatic Preterm Infants
  1. S Nobile,
  2. C Noviello,
  3. G Cobellis,
  4. VP Carnielli
  1. Maternal and Child Department, "G. Salesi" Children’s Hospital, Ancona, Italy


Background and aims The role of GER in the pathogenesis and recovery from BPD in preterm infants is controversial; some Authors suggested symptomatic GER treatment for BPD infants. We tested the hypothesis that BPD predisposes to GER (due to increased respiratory effort, coughing and crying).

Methods We prospectively studied 44 infants born 2-analysis and t-test/Mann-Whitney test were performed to look for differences among the two groups; P value of

Results Demographic and clinical characteristics between BPD and controls were similar: GA 201 vs 202 days, male sex 66.7 vs 46.9%, age at study 51 vs 39 days, orogastric tube feeding 83.3% vs 75%, caffeine administration 33.3% vs 50% (all P > 0.05). The analysis of 1056 h of Ph-MII tracings showed no significant difference between BPD and controls regarding the median number of these parameters: acid (3 vs 2), weakly acid (11 vs 16), non-acid (0 vs 0), gas (7 vs 10) refluxes, ph-only events (21 vs 9), GER >5 min (1.5 vs 3.5); longest GER (11.2 vs 16.5 min), lower ph (1.5 vs 2.1), acid exposure (ph 0.05).

Conclusions In our experience, BPD was not associated with higher reflux parameters as measured by 24 h Ph-MII examinations among preterm infants. Symptomatic GER treatment with drugs should be reserved for confirmed pathologic Ph-MII tests in order to avoid adverse events.

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