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O-001 Six Years Of Alcohol Intoxications In Adolescents And Treatment In Paediatric Departments In Dutch Hospitals
  1. N van der Lely1,
  2. JJ van Hoof2,
  3. G Boeynaems1
  1. 1Pediatrics, Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis, Delft, Netherlands
  2. 2University of Twente, Behavioral Sciences Faculty, Enschede, Netherlands


Aim Alcohol intoxication in children and adolescents is a severe health concern in current paediatrics. In this longitudinal study we monitored intake and treatment of 3,286 adolescents in Departments of Paediatrics in Dutch hospitals over the years 2007 to 2012.

Methods From 2007 till 2012 we collected data on all adolescents (inclusion criteria: aged younger than 18 and with a positive BAC), treated by a paediatrician in a hospital. Within the Dutch Paediatric Surveillance System (NSCK), paediatricians report adolescents and fill in a questionnaire, making use of a patient interview.

Results In total 3,286 adolescents were treated, mainly (88%) related to severe alcohol intoxication; main age was 15.3 years, and 54% were boys. BAC level is 1.84 on average, and reduced consciousness last almost three hours. Almost 18% of the adolescents with alcohol intoxication drank themselves into the hospital in a bar or discotheque.

Conclusions Alcohol intoxication treatment remains an issue of importance. This dataset enables us to conduct longitudinal and interesting analyses on alcohol intoxication characteristics in youngsters, medical treatment, and events leading up to the intoxication.

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