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PS-223 Improving Staff Competence And Confidence For Neonatal Resusciation, A Quality Improvement Initiative
  1. S Hackett,
  2. M Casssidy,
  3. S Gormally
  1. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Our Lady of Lourdes Hosptial Drogheda Co. Louth, Drogheda, Ireland


Aims To introduce a Quality Improvement Initiative aimed at instilling confidence and competence with Neonatal Resuscitation in Labour Ward (LW) and Neonatal Unit (NICU) staff.

Methods A Neonatal Resuscitation Initiative Team (NRIT) consisted of LW and NICU midwives, an Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) and a Paediatric Consultant. LW, NICU and paediatric staff were invited to attend a presentation to outline the aims and methodology of the initiative. Emphasis was placed on teamwork with effective leadership and communication. This was followed by a demonstration of 2 low fidelity simulated neonatal resuscitations performed by the NRIT.

Midwifery and NICU staff were then invited to partake in a Simulated Team Response (STR) to 2 simulated resuscitations.

A random selection of participants completed a closed questionnaire before and after the NRIT demonstration and before and after their STR. Levels of confidence in all aspects of neonatal resuscitation, including teamwork and leadership skills were evaluated using a Likert Scale.

Results One hundred and thirteen staff participated in the quality initiative from January 2013 to August 2013. Seventy four staff participated in the NRIT demonstrations and 39 in the STR. Forty three questionnaires were completed following the NRIT and 13 following the STR. Using a Wilcoxon test the pre-post gain in confidence score was statistically significant (p = 0.0020) for doctors and midwives.

Conclusion Simulation training is a valuable means of maintaining skills and enhancing confidence for neonatal resuscitation. This study quantifies the positive impact of a Quality Improvement Initiative aimed at improving performance at neonatal resuscitation.

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