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PS-010a Effect Of Training Programme On High School Teachers’ Knowledge And Attitude Towards Adolescent Reproductive Health Education In Rural Schools In Ile-ife, Sw Nigeria
  1. C Adegbenro1,
  2. JD Adeniyi2,
  3. AJ Ajuwon2
  1. 1Community Health, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
  2. 2Health Promotion and Education, University of Ibadan Ibadan, IIbadan, Nigeria


Aims Adolescents in Nigeria as in other Countries of the world are facing many reproductive Health problems nowadays which includes high rate of risky sexual activities, unintended pregnancy, abortion and STIs/HIV/AIDS. To address these problems, constant suggestions and recommendations have been made for the introduction of compulsory adolescent reproductive health education (ARHE) at all levels of educational institutions in Nigeria. Previous studies in Nigeria showed that teachers themselves had poor knowledge of and negative attitude towards ARHE. This study assessed the effect of training programme on teachers’ knowledge and attitude towards ARHE in five randomly selected rural schools in Ife- North local government area (IFLGA), SW Nigeria.

Methods All the 84 teachers in the selected schools in the LGA were voluntarily recruited for the study. They (84 Teachers) were all given training in ARHE for one month. Their knowledge and attitude towards ARHE was assessed pre- and post- training programme.

Results The results showed a significant increase in percentage of those who had good knowledge in general areas of ARHE at post- training assessment compared with pre- training assessment (from 14.3% to 53.6%, p = 0.0001). Also, pre-post attitudinal disposition assessments showed that there was an increase in percentage of those who were favourably disposed to the teaching of ARHE in Nigeria Schools at post- training assessment (from 17.9% to 45.2%, p = 0011).

Conclusions The study suggests that teachers should be equipped in handling the teaching of ARHE in Nigeria schools.

  • Training programme
  • Adolescent Reproductive Health Education
  • Knowledge
  • Attitude

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