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Introduction During the H1N1 2009 Pandemic season, all children ventilated on Paediatric Intensive Care (PICU) for respiratory failure had respiratory samples taken for virology screen.
H1N1 (2009) was declared eradicated both national and internationally in August 2010. We reviewed results of samples taken during and beyond this period and compared the respiratory isolates.
Methods All Nasopharyngeal Aspirates, Non –direct bronchoalveolar lavage or tracheal secretions from admissions in the months of September to April of 2009/2010, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 were reviewed. The months of May to August of each year were regarded as off peak and so left out of the study. PICU admissions, discharges and death notifications records were correlated with virology reports.
Results Samples were processed from 287 PICU patients or episodes. 192(67.1%) of the children were ages 0–2 years. (154)53.8% of the patients were male. One or more Respiratory viruses was isolated in 159 samples (55%). RSV accounted for 77(48.4%) of the positive samples, Rhinovirus 45(28.6%), Para-influenza virus Type1–4, 14(8.8%), Adenovirus 9(5.7%), Pandemic H1N1 (2009) 8(5.1%), Influenza A or B 3(1.9%) and Human Metapneumovirus 2(1.3%). Coinfection was found in 12(7.5%) of the positive samples.
Oseltamivir (Tamifu) was prescribed to positive cases in the population. Resistance to Oseltamivir was reported in one case treated. There were ten (3.4%) mortalities from the study population two of whom were positive for Pandemic H1N1 (2009). A serious co-morbidity was present in all 10(100%) mortalities. We isolated a virus in 7/10 (70.0%) deaths. No positive swabs for H1N1 (2009) was found after January 2011.
Conclusion While we continue to carry out surveillance for sporadic or seasonal cases of H1N1 (2009), with the pandemic truly over, resources needs to be devoted to common respiratory viruses with greater burden of disease.