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G31 Use of Translated Versions of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) Approved PREM Tool For Patient Feedback in an Accident and Emergency Department Dealing with a Multiethnic Population
  1. C Singh,
  2. L Alsford
  1. Department of Paediatrics, North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK


Aims The aim of our study was to collect feedback by using the RCPCH PREM tool for paediatric urgent and emergency care (A&E), and to try translated versions of the tool to maximise the participation of respondents with limited knowledge of English in a diverse ethnic population

Background Patient/parent satisfaction surveys are important monitoring tools used in the national health service (NHS). Before the Urgent-and-Emergency-Care PREM tool was published by the RCPCH in October 2012 there was no standard feedback form for paediatric A&E. This new tool is a well researched and standardised tool for obtaining children/parent feedback.

Methods Demographic data from the census was collected which showed that our NHS trust caters for a population with a large percentage of Turkish/Greek Cypriot, African and Somalian ethnicity. There is an annual attendance of about 38000 to children’s A&E. While doing the survey, we eliminated the bias due to language-barrier by translating the RCPCH tool in Turkish and Somalian, the two commonly spoken languages in our ethnic population-group. The PREM tool was translated by doctors with knowledge of the languages and was colour coded for adult or children versions. Questionnaires were given to consecutive willing parents and/or children while waiting in the department. The feedback forms were analysed on Microsoft-Excel using common statistical methods.

Results Total of 50 feedback forms were collected. Feedback was given by 12(24%) children, 29(64%) parents and 4(9%) by both. The study group had 19(41%) European, 9(20%) Asian, 12(26%) African and 2(4%) mixed. The main languages spoken were English 25(57%), other European 10(22%), and all other 10(22%). The main highlights of the survey was that 43 of 46 (94%) respondents were satisfied by the services, 24(49%) waited longer than expected, 15(32%) wanted better information while waiting and 4(8%) were not given adequate privacy.

Conclusions The introduction of feedback-forms in multiple languages has perhaps given a more unbiased feedback with more involvement of the ethnic subgroups. The results were overall satisfying but a few specific areas that need improvement were identified. The responses to individual questions will also serve as a baseline for serial monitoring after implementing changes and training in problem areas.

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