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Adolescents with physical disability: seeing the individual in context


Adolescence is a time of profound developmental change—socially, cognitively and psychologically. Although we know that many young people with a variety of long-term conditions negotiate adolescence with no more difficulty than other young people, those with physical disabilities can face barriers to their development in a number of areas. While many of these may not affect their physical health directly, it is important for health professionals to take a holistic view and remember that, as with other areas of child development, opportunities lost at critical periods may have later consequences. We need to anticipate potential difficulties early and discuss them with young people, parents and other professionals if we are to best improve outcomes for this group of patients.

  • Adolescent Health
  • Neurodevelopment
  • Neurodisability
  • Musculo-Skeletal
  • Rheumatology

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    R Mark Beattie