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1906 All Aboard: The Use of Simulation for Educating the Multidiscplinary Retrieval Team within the South Thames Retrieval Service
  1. F Bickell,
  2. K McCulloch
  1. PICU, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK


Background This presentation will explore the evolution of retrieval team training from the inception of the service in 1998 to the present day.

Just as the service has expanded from its very early days when teams took plastic bags of potentially useful kit out in a taxi to the local hospitals so the training of teams has developed to ensure team members are as ready as possible for the varied experiences they may encounter when out on the road.

Method Recently we have introduced multidisciplinary simulation training where nurses, doctors and ambulance technicians are brought together and are exposed to realistic retrieval scenarios based upon real situations that teams have already encountered.

Although clinical issues are discussed during debriefing the team are also encouraged to explore the ‘human factors’ in each scenario and examine how they have influenced, both the outcome and dynamics of a situation, (Sherwood et al 2002).

All those debriefing have been trained in the correct techniques to ensure the participants and observers are allowed to reveal the learning points and sessions are all videoed and used during the debrief as appropriate, to emphasize particularly areas for development or highlight good practice.

Results Retrieval team members were initially apprehensive of this new approach to retrieval training but have found it useful giving positive feedback and encouraging colleagues to attend.

Conclusions We will continue to use this approach to provide well prepared teams who are clinically competent and aware of the human factors in every retrieval situation.

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