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1895 Epidemiology of Pediatric Emergencies in Local Emergency Medical System
  1. H Raeisi,
  2. N Makoolati
  1. Nursing, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran


The development of Pediatric Advanced Life Support and Advanced Pediatric Life Support have demonstrated new interest in emergency care of pediatrics and have made it imperative to have data that define the potential risks and preventive strategies. the different Prehospital recording sheets and tapes were reviewed retrospectively over a 12-month duration from March 2011. Patients under 19 years of age were studied in a service area with a population of 670,000. A total of 1,115 records were analyzed, representing approximately 12% of all ambulance runs. This is sharply in contrast with the fact that the pediatric age group represents 32% of the population. Of the cases, 32.7% were in the trauma category. The largest trauma group was motor vehicle accidents in the adolescent age group. Male patients were dominant in the trauma cases. Medical disorders were the major reason for prehospital care in the very young. The demand for emergency medical services (EMS) occurred mainly during the summer months and on the first week of the year (NOWROOZ) and weekends. More than 62 percent of all EMS pediatric calls happened during the hours of 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Resuscitation of 10 cases of pediatric prehospital arrest resulted in no survivors to hospital discharge mostly because of drowning, foreign body obstruction and falling down.

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