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1894 Job Satisfaction Survey among Pediatric Oncology Nurses
  1. M Soltanian1,
  2. F Nikouee2,
  3. S Montaseri1,
  4. M Edraki1
  1. 1Fatemeh College of Nursing & Midwifery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz
  2. 2Fasa University of Medical Science, Fasa, Iran


Purpose job satisfaction becoming an increasingly large disorder and defined as the degree to which employees enjoy their job. Job satisfaction is a significant predictor of nursing absenteeism, burnout, turnover and intention to quit; however, there have been some inconsistent findings. Much research has revealed that job satisfaction of pediatric oncology nurses is closely related to job stress, role conflict and ambiguity, organizational and professional commitment. This led the researcher to carry out a study to identify variables of job satisfaction among nurses working in pediatric oncology ward.

Method A descriptive cross sectional design was carried out by using quantitative data obtained through self-administered questionnaires. Our tool was the 'job satisfaction survey’ to examine job satisfaction among 25 pediatric oncology nurses from SHIRAZ University of Medical Science (IRAN).

Results The job satisfaction for pediatric oncology staff nurses had been calculated using mean and standard deviation and results revealed that (N:25, Mean:2.3)and this is an indication of dissatisfaction.

Conclusion Studies over the past decade have increasingly focused on job dissatisfaction placed on health professionals and the negative consequences of that. The implication for this study is that nursing work in pediatric oncology ward is a difficult profession and additional researches are needed to identifying positive strategies for reducing job dissatisfaction. this study indicates the importance of adopting strategies to demonstrate more social support for the pediatric oncology nurses in the workplace.

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