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1883 The Risk Fields of Malpractice and Strategies for Reducing the risk of Malpractice in Neonatal Nursing
  1. D Yıldız
  1. GATA Teaching Hospital, Ankara, Turkey


Background Care of newborn can be complex according to adult. Effective preparation, family-center and safe delivery of care are the goals of pediatric care. A neonatal nurse is a professional with special training, skill, and knowledge in the care of newborns and their families. This period of the pediatric care is high risk area in which so many difficulties occur during the transition to extrauterine life.

Objectives The aim of this study is to define the risk fields of malpractice and strategies for reducing the risk of malpractice in neonatal nursing, both the turkey and the world.

Method Through literature review, “Medline, Pubmed, Wiley-Blackwell” databases, on-line and published journals accessible in Turkey are examined and results of 30 studies fulfilling the aim of this research are presented.

Results Common areas of malpractice in neonatal nursing are constitute during resuscitation, respiratory distress, intravenous therapy, medication errors, hypoglycemia, documentation and monitoring.

Conclusions It is clear that, the studies are limited about the risk fields of malpractice and strategies for reducing the risk of malpractice in neonatal nursing in Turkey. A few review are present about strategies for reducing the risk of these and the risk areas of neonatal nursing practice. It is recommended that risk areas must determine in care of neonatal for reduction of malpractice. The standard of care must describe to promote quality assurance in neonatal setting, special training, skill and knowledge nurses must work in neonatal care.

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