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1874 Contribution to Intercultural Adaptation of the “Nurse Parent Support Toll” to Portuguese Reality
  1. AP França1,
  2. SM Valadão2,
  3. MC Reisinho1
  1. 1UNIESEP (Oporto College of Nursing Resaearch Unit), Oporto College of Nursing, Porto
  2. 2Unidade de Cuidados Especiais Pediátricos/Neonatais, Hospital Santo Espírito de Angra do Heroísmo-EPER, Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal


The hospitalization of a child at risk appears to be an ongoing source of stress for parents and several studies highlighted the importance of nurses’ support. Therefore, the existence of a scale that allows parents to assess nurses’ support, will contribute to build a more effective relationship between them, in order to provide excellence in nursing care, not only directed to the child but also to the family, contributing to increased parental satisfaction related to nursing care.

It’s a methodological study that took place in a portuguese neonatal and pediatric intensive unit, that intends to make the first contribution to intercultural adaptation of the scale “Nurse Parent Support Tool” for the European Portuguese and to Portuguese culture, aiming at its future use as a measure of the perception that parents have about the support they receive from nursing staff during hospitalization of their child.

Guaranteeing the semantic and conceptual equivalence involved the following stages: 1- Translations, 2- Synthesis of translations, 3- Back-translation and 4- Synthesis of back-translation. The evaluation of its content validity involved: Stage 5- Review by the Expert Committee, and stage 6- Pretest.

The Portuguese version of NPST kept the conceptual and semantic equivalence, as the original, and showed good levels of content validity in Portuguese culture.

Results justify future investigations to evaluate other psychometric properties and thus make it scientifically valid, for implementation in clinical practice of portuguese pediatric nursing.

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