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1871 Intervention Project: Integration of Maternity Care into the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Keeping Mother and Infant Together Directly after Birth
  1. L Fredbo-Nielsen
  1. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Rigshospitalet, København Ø, Denmark


Background When an infant is born at Rigshospitalet in Denmark, and is transferred to NICU, the bonding between infant and mother is complicated because the mother is transferred to the maternity ward. With the existing knowledge of the infant’s congenital competencies to create and preserve relations, the close relation to the mother is necessary for the future development. The competencies includes signals for the infant such as eye contact, crying, sucking on moms breast, smell, rate during communication between mother and infant and smile. A positive and secure bonding predisposes feelings such as basic security, intensity and devotion. Failure and insecure bonding can lead to violent negative feelings. International research shows the benefit of family centered care and skin-to-skin contact for preterm babies and their parents for e.g. temperature, weight gain, sleep, breastfeeding, and bonding.

Aims To facilitate the bonding between the newborn ill infant and the mother.

Methods Transfer of the mother (after normal delivery or 4 hours after planned caesarean) directly to the NICU with her infant.

Two hours training of all 120 neonatal nurses in obstetric nursing. Questionnaire to the mothers.

Results 58 mothers have been transferred directly from the delivery room to NICU. Results from the questionnaire to the mothers will be available on the poster.

Discussion Is it possible for a nurse trained in NICU to take care of the obstetric mother?

Is the environment at NICU acceptable for both mother and infant?

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