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1824 The Evaluation of the Vaccination Rate and the Parents Knowledge About Vaccination
  1. M Inalhan,
  2. A Ozlem,
  3. T Ozlem,
  4. F Feyza,
  5. C Mehmet,
  6. P Esra
  1. Zeynep Kamil Maternity and Childrens’ Disease Training and Research State Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey


Objective Immunisation is one of the most important weapons for protecting individuals and the community from serious diseases.

Method The survey method is applied to the mothers of children 12 months and over who hospitalized in our clinic between Februray and May 2010. Mothers of children who agreed to participate in the study and whose vaccine records can be reached are included in the study.

Findings The average age of the children was 4.56±2.5 years, of the mothers was 29.23±4.74 and of the fathers was 32.93±5.47. The most common answer given to the question “Why vaccinate?” was “for being healty” (n=35). The most memorable vaccine was tuberculous vaccine (%55). In our study, we didn’t find any statistically significant difference between the immunization status of children and the mother’s education, mother’s profession, father’s profession, occupational distribution.

There wasn’t any difference between the vaccination status of children and the age average of mothers: (z= –0,430; p=0,668) the age average of fathers (z=0,756; p=0,450).

Results Despite all studies and campaigns, the rate of being full vaccinated is beneath the levels of %90–95. We need more campaigns to increase the vaccination rate of the society.

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